Looking for advice...

Kathy S

Forum Ride Along
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I'm Kathy new to this website and new to EMT field. I just got my certification last Sat. Here is the scoop. I'm a middle aged "Home Maker" and mother of 4 awesome children. Not only am I attempting to re-enter the working environment but I also changed my career. Prior to raising my children, I was a programmer for 8 years. Although I worked hard for my degree in programming, I found it wasn’t right for me. I'm extremely excited about this change I'm undertaking.

I was wondering if anyone else had any advice that might make this transition in my life a bit smoother. I'm not quite sure what to put on my resume.

Thank you

My resume was basically this

Steven --------
Permanent Address--123 Fake Street, Crowley Texas, 76036
Phone Number--123-456-789
Email-- myemail@yahoo.com
Objective To obtain an Emergency Medical Technician position

Professional Experience Assistant Manager
A store, Fort Worth, Texas
• Manage up to 10 employees at any one time
• Order product for three stores
• Handle customer complaints
• Handle employee complaints
• Manage income book for the stores
• Do on-site deliveries for customers
• Make advertisement phonecalls

Paintball Referee, (1 year before field closed)
The Paintball Arena, Pontiac Michigan
• Supervise safety of customers
• Maintain gear and equipment rentals
• Specify rules for customers

Education Lake Orion High School, Lake Orion Michigan, 2003-2006

Arlington Heights High School Fort Worth Texas, 2006-Dec 2006
--Graduated with diploma

Tarrant County College, Fall 2007- Present
--Criminal Justice Major
--EMT-Basic course, Fall 2008.
--NREMT-B Certified

Landed me a job at my first (and only) place I applied to.

As for the transition, talk to you family about your job, how it will be stressful and might be long hours.

Good luck!

My resume was basically this

Landed me a job at my first (and only) place I applied to.

Maybe they were desperate and thought you'd scare away the riff raff :P
Maybe they were desperate and thought you'd scare away the riff raff :P

Quiet before I sick your sociology teacher on you!
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So there is hope with simple resumes....lol

I've talked to my family about this change. So far they seem to be understanding and suportive (for now). I'm not sure how much they truely understand what this change will impact their lives, but they have told me they see a spark back in my eye that had grown dim without me even realizing it happened. I love being a mother!