Looking for a downstate NY area Paramedic class


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I'm currently a basic working in the rochester area. I'm strongly considering going up to paramedic, but I may be relocating downstate in the next year. If I were able to stay, I would probably enroll in the Monroe community college program. I like that it's a about a 14-month program and that it is really rigorous, from what I understand very cardiac intensive. Our region has a lot of far away corners where the ALS skills can have to hold a patient over for long transports, and this program seems to be good at preparing medics to be independent and stick it out for the long haul. I'm looking for something similar in the westchester/rockland/Orange County area. Any ideas? Thanks guys :)
So since all of my ems peeps seem to be sleeping in or something, I have taken to cold calling EMS agencies off of google maps and asking whoever picks up the phone for recommendations. :P

So far I have one saying do not go to Rockland CC and two highly recommending Westchester CC.