life as an EMT


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Hello everyone! I am new to the forum and I have a question to you all. I am 34 years old and I am looking to switch careers. I am about to apply and start EMT training.

Can you guys tell me anything of what to expect in my life change.... like.... maybe what my life will be like as an EMT or will I be able to support my family. Or maybe how difficult it might be to advance in this job or how secure of a job it might be for me. How hard is it to get a career job once training is over or how much training before i do get a career job.

I am trying to see what my future holds or at least have an idea.

Thank you all
It depends a decent bit on where you are, also how much time you are willing to put into training.
Depends wholey on where you live, who you get employed by, your level of certification, and what your current job as to whether it would be financially stable.

Education wise, you can get entry level EMT-B in as few as 3 weeks in a mill, or 3-4 months in a college. If you want to advance, you can get your Paramedic cert which can range in time from 6 months through 18 months.

As for life? Long hours, ok pay if you aren't expecting a lot of money, sometimes fun partners, sometimes horrible partners. Sometimes calls that make you laugh, some that make you sad, some that make you change who you are, and some that make you hate humanity just that much more. It's fun, it's boring, it's exciting, it's hard work. It can eat you up and spit you out, or you will love every second of it.
Wow that sounds great actually. I will be in St. Louis and I'm thinking "Abbott EMS of Missouri" for my training. They could have me at EMT-1 in three months. They say they could have me working for 9 to 13 dollars an hr after that three month training. Does that sound realistic to you?
I don't know the average pay for EMTs in your area, but here in DFW it tends to be between $9-13 for an EMT as well. Is $9-13 decent money in your area?
Well than can you afford to take the paycut?

Here in DFW, $9-13 isn't that bad. Granted more is better, but you can make an ok living on it.
Before you get too excited...

really take some time to search through here. There are many threads that deal with people such as yourself making the life change. The good part is you get to see how different is the reality from what you imagine it to be. I'll bet you a buck, every question you have this whole next week already has an answer in here somewhere, and will be easy for you to find.

Welcome, and Bon Voyage!
My friend I am in the same boat you are in at this point. At 33 yo with a succesfull Land surveying carrer in the rear view I have embarked on this epic journey known as EMS. The advice I can offer you is this 1. First and foremost do this because you are called to it to benifit your fellow man. Pay is IMHO a secondary consideration. Not that I am suggesting you work for free but you ain't gonna get rich in ems. Better money, better hours and better working conditions can be found in nursing. 2. Get as much education as you can for your given provider level. Just knowing how to do something ain't good enough. Why are you doing it, what are the physiological/anatomical reasons your patient is presenting as the are. Don't get trained get educated. Do these things and basic certification will probably not satisfy you so plan for the future with medic in sight. but never loose sight of why you chose EMS .... THE PATIENT.
I made the exact same choice.... and I couldn't be happier.

When i was considering making the change, people on here told me not to and to not leave a good job in a bad economy.....which is actually sound advice....BUT....from the moment i cracked that book open, i have been hooked and really will be in a position to help others.....the work is are helping your fellow man.

Pay out here in the Sacramento Ca area for an EMT-b starts anywhere from 11-15 per hour......not great by any means. I never came into this for the money though, I came into this to be happy in chosen work.

Good luck to you in what ever you choose!
When i was considering making the change, people on here told me not to and to not leave a good job in a bad economy.....which is actually sound advice....BUT....from the moment i cracked that book open, i have been hooked and really will be in a position to help others.....the work is are helping your fellow man.

Keep that sentence taped in your locker because there will be days you wont believe you uttered those words.

Good luck