King County Washington MICP


Forum Deputy Chief
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It sure would be nice if the rest of the country was as well educated as these Washington Intensive Care Paramedics. I read somewhere that there paramedic program is the toughest in the country, with 3000 hours of didactic alone.

They can perform several surgical procedures that standard medics are not even educated about.

It would be nice if everyone could get the kind of top notch education that goes on here in this county.
I've heard the medical direct for King County, Dr Eisenberg, on podcast before and he is VERY involved in promoting EMS. Seems like a great guy.

They just interviewed him on the MedicCast / EMS Garage programs this past week if you want to hear.

As for the skills, the only different ones I see are the episotomy and escharotomy. I don't see the episotomy being used often enough to count is as an "impressive skill"... though I'm sure women would be happy to have it :)
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Yah that is my goal right there. I just need my 3 years of basic and then I can apply!!! (who knows how many years after that it will take to get hired.:wacko:)

I love the EMS system I work in!

Oh! It was cool to see a medic student work a respiratory arrest in the hospital.
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It says Medic One is run by the fire departments so do you have to be a firefighter also? I couldn't immagine even if you did that KingCo is one of those departments that runs dodge EMS like Miami, Dallas, Houston etc :P
There are 5 Medic providers under KCM1: Seattle, Bellevue, Shoreline, Evergreen, and South King medic one. The first four are fire department based where the last one is not, so no you don't have to be a firefighter to be a medic in King County. KCM1 is funded by a county levy not by fire department funds from my understanding but I am not 100% on that.

Just to note. Each Medic one service is a separate entity but they are seamless throughout the county.

Least this is my understanding of the system.
I live the county below that one. That is the program I am aiming for but to get into their medic program you have to have full sponsorship by the regional ems employers only. Work in progress, stage one. :)