JUst a comment, happy to see former cohorts back on EMTLIFE


Still crazy but elsewhere
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I am also seeing a lot less of the boots and knives stuff.
If this is due to QA by the siter mavens, thanks!
*hands admin back his whip*
I am also seeing a lot less of the boots and knives stuff.
If this is due to QA by the siter mavens, thanks!

Mycrofft, do you know of any tactical boots that can conceal multiple knives? I've been looking at some online, but they're all missing the Rambo feel. Someone called MMiz said you'd be a good guy to ask.

(Nah, it's nice.)
Mycrofft, do you know of any tactical boots that can conceal multiple knives? I've been looking at some online, but they're all missing the Rambo feel. Someone called MMiz said you'd be a good guy to ask.

(Nah, it's nice.)

Man up and conceal them in your skin ;) :)
Better than where an inmate would hide it.

Hey mycrofft, what kind of belt should I buy? Should I get a stethascope holster too? :P
Something to go with your spring loaded punch holster.

See, ya try to thank someone for doing a good job and it becomes a travesty, a travesty I tells ya!