Interview...Help plz.


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I have looked back and searched other threads about interviews, but I still would like a little more assistant if possible??? ;)
This is my first interview for a Emt-b postion. I work in our local hospital in the Nursery, an interviewed last around 3 yrs ago. My last jobs I was hired on the spot (nursing homes). So mainly only 1 interview to look back on.
Since this will be my first interview for EMS, what can I expect? It is a SMALL city ambulance dist., so I'm not quite sure if they will go all out; but then again I definately want to be prepared.
Any suggestions would be LOVELY!!!!...........
Please, an Thank you in advance!!!
go in to the interview relaxed but not cocky...seem interested to learn but show you have to knowledge to perform you job...dont be friendly and ask questions...asking questions will get you points from alot of supervisors...
Here are a few questions that have been asked at my local ambulance service...HTH

Building team spirit to get
results is often a difficult thing
to do. Tell me about a time
when you had your greatest
success in building team spirit.
What specific results did the
team accomplish?

What is the biggest mistake
you have made and what
lesson did you learn from it?

Tell us about a time when you
found it necessary to go
against company policy.
Explain the situation and why
you elected to do so.

Some situations require us to
express ideas or opinion in a
very tactful manner. Tell me
about a time when you were
successful with this particular

Many people have good ideas
but fewer act on them. Tell us
how you’ve transformed a
good idea into a positive

Please describe a time when
you had to “sell” an unpopular
idea to co-workers or to a
group that you as an individual
may not have fully agreed
with. Did the group buy into
the idea? How did you deal
with those who refused to but
into the idea?
I just hate some of those questions. Like the ones that states "Tell me about a time you went against company policies??" That is a trick question. I do believe my answer to that question would be "I've NEVER went against company policies in fear for my JOB"....Ya, that's how I am going to answer that one. And the others, I hate not knowing a lot of these questions right off hand. I dont want to be sitting there like a idot trying to remember situations is the past..Cause there are a LOT!! Like the worst mistake you have ever made?!?!?! hmm...I sure he doesn't have all day! ;)
But on a more serious note, I will try my best to "quickly" think of answer to the questions during the interview. I am usually very confident as I own my own business as a Equine (horse) Dentist, so I am use to talking to people/strangers and feeling confident while doing so (as you have to be as a women in a MAN's job) But I want this postion so bad, that I think it could get the best of me!!!! Thanks for the question...THESE really helped, as now my brain is ticking in the right direction. Any other questions would be apperciated, or suggestions.
Don't worry, you will Float right through them! haha
Wear a suit
Shake hands
Look directly in the eye
Bring a resume
Wear a suit
Shake hands
Look directly in the eye
Bring a resume

I'll add two things to this rather perfect list.

1) Know your stuff.

2) Be ready to ask at least 4-5 GOOD questions, I don't mean "How much does it pay", but open ended questions that they'll be trying to ask you. I don't much believe that you should be attempting to make them feel as if they're being interviewed, but ask questions that show you're interested in the position and the company and that you're not just looking for a paycheck. Even if you are ;-)

Best of luck.

OOC, how many teeth do horses have?
:P:P:P 42-44 teeth!!!:P:P:P

Hahaha...I defintely HOPE I float my way right through the interview!! At least I know I am good at that!! (Float= Flie down)

And thanks for all the advice. When is an appropriate time to meantion the questions I am willing to ask them? And what type of question, as I do not want to sound like a know it all!!! Like maybe, type of benefits?, the turn around rate for Emt-b's for there company?, How many calls on average weekley do they run?, hmm....lost at that for right now!
Thanks again!!!
Adding to the other suggestions:

Be yourself.
Be honest. (if you don't know the answer to a question, don't be afraid to admit it)
Asking them questions is good, like:

What's the turnover rate like? (not talking apples here)

What's the area you most want to improve here? This stage, just you can help comes in your closing statement.

To what degree does the service/company depend on routine transfers?

What did you fire the last two employees for?

Why did you give the last two promotions?

What allied agency do you have the weakest link with?

Is there something in place to help employees deal with psychological/emotional trauma picked up from the job?

How much in-field experience is there in management?
(is it a business or a service is what YOU want to know)

How can employees contribute to making the service better?
Is there a suggestion box or a route to pursue

Stuff like that, to show you're sharp and can contribute.

Good luck!