Interesting Videos Showing Emergency Service Uses for GIS

Mountain Res-Q

Forum Deputy Chief
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A colleague of mine out of the National Park Service showed me one of these videos last year (he is in it). I didn't know it was now online or that there were others. I found them last night and though I would share them with you.

There are four videos (but only 3 would likely be of interest here). All deal with GIS uses in Fire, EMS, Law Enforcement, and SAR. Whether sitting in dispatch or on a rig, GIS plays a huge role in how many 911-systems operate today. Most people in the world probably don't know this, and I assume that most people sitting in that rig hardly recognize it. Anyway, since this is the direction my life is moving in (GIS in Emergency Management) and "knowledge is power", I thought that some of you might find these three 4 to 7 minute videos interesting:

"The Golden Minute" - GIS in Fire and EMS -

"GIS the the Rescue" - GIS in LE, Fire, and EMS -

"Life Saving Maps" - GIS in Search & Rescue -

Thoughts? Comments? Experiences?
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I live about 3 miles from ESRI. They do some pretty amazing stuff.
You are lucky. Redlands (correct?) benefited a lot from ESRI.

I propose a new rule, when using an abbreviation DEFINE IT FIRST!

Sorry, Aidey... :blush:

What is GIS?

A geographic information system (GIS) integrates hardware, software, and data for capturing, managing, analyzing, and displaying all forms of geographically referenced information.

GIS allows us to view, understand, question, interpret, and visualize data in many ways that reveal relationships, patterns, and trends in the form of maps, globes, reports, and charts.

A GIS helps you answer questions and solve problems by looking at your data in a way that is quickly understood and easily shared.

GIS technology can be integrated into any enterprise information system framework.

Geography is the science of our world. Coupled with GIS, geography is helping us to better understand the earth and apply geographic knowledge to a host of human activities. The outcome is the emergence of The Geographic Approach—a new way of thinking and problem solving that integrates geographic information into how we understand and manage our planet. This approach allows us to create geographic knowledge by measuring the earth, organizing this data, and analyzing and modeling various processes and their relationships. The Geographic Approach also allows us to apply this knowledge to the way we design, plan, and change our world.

EMS organizations must ensure that the appropriate number of units and trained personnel are assigned at any given time to meet the emergency medical demand within prescribe response time standards. GIS optimizes the deployment of EMS resources to meet the emergency medical service mission.

GIS provides decision makers with the information they need to:

Analyze historical incidents to determine staffing and resource needs.
Provide dynamic analysis to determine optimum EMS unit positioning.
Supply dispatchers with a comprehensive view of EMS unit locations and their response capability.
Create a common operating picture that dynamically updates incident and unit locations and provides predictive EMS call potential based upon historic occurrences.
Support EMS units with field GIS capabilities.
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