Integrated Flowmeter- Ohio Medical


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Hey all,

I was just wondering if I can get some feedback on a product which I am currently introducing to many of the ambulance manufacturers. Since the EMS family is the end users I truly value any feedback/critisim.

The Integrated Flowmeter is a 2 in 1 wall outlet and dial flowmeter built into one convenient uint. I have listed below some of the benefits of the unit:

1.Flowmeter is a permanent fixture.
2.Provides increased outlet utility.
3.Flowmeter is always there when you need it.
4.No more lost, stolen, or broken Flowmeters.
5.Improved accuracy.
6.Easy to use - no/limited training required.

i like the flow rate dial rather than trying to read a weight as im bouncung up and down the road. don't you think that the plastic tip on there is prone to breaking when you hit it though?
i like the flow rate dial rather than trying to read a weight as im bouncung up and down the road. don't you think that the plastic tip on there is prone to breaking when you hit it though?

We have a tip like this on our current unit. It's pretty tough, haven't broken one yet.
We have a tip like this on our current unit. It's pretty tough, haven't broken one yet.
i've used my head to break one once...yeah they are tough...Hurt like crazy.
I think in that case it is a good thing that it is prone to breaking. I would hate to see how your head would look like if the swivel was a strong metal.

i've used my head to break one once...yeah they are tough...Hurt like crazy.
The plastic "christmas tree" thing is easily and cheaply replaced... they are designed to be replaced after breaking.
so what do oyu guys think overall?

is this a practical unit you see using in your vehicles?

do you like the fact that its a sapace saving unit that will always be there?

would you know someone who might be interested in this product?