How to prepare for medic school


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I am a Kansas Emt-I and I am going to apply for medic school. I am curious are there things I can do to actively prepare my clinical skills and book knowledge for what I will learn in medic school. Also here in Kansas finding a job for an I or B is near impossible how do I keep up my skills?
University A&P and patho are huge. If you can understand and apply it Medic school should be a breeze. Are you doing an ems degree or cert?
Here in Kansas medic is a assc. Degree. I plan to go to my rn and anrp, but I want to take as much as I can to prepare. Pharmacology and cardiac are probably my weakest points
Paramedic school prep

I'm a paramedic instructor for a national college for Emts and paramedics, so I see all types of students. The students that start paramedic school with some experience will usually have an easier time in their internship. I've seen some students fail because they are overwhelmed, but then again my best intern was one with no experience. He worked harder than anyone I ever met and studied all the time.
So, if no experience as an EMT then you should study pharmacology and learn to read an EKG rhythm. Try to get the paramedic books early and start reading them. Your class will go over what you have read and it will easier for you the second time through. Get an EKG for dummies and that will make cardiology easier. But cardiology is what makes a paramedic, so I would overcome your weakness.
Most importantly, give yourself enough time to study and work in study groups when school starts. Don't get overwhelmed and take it a one step at a time. Good luck
Thank you that is awesome advice. Right now I have to do whatever it takes to get back up on my book knowledge at my current level since I don't use it everyday like other techs
Thanks for all of your tips you provide here that how we have to prepare our self for medical school and here i found so many informative advices about preparation.One of my friend is applying for medical school and i surely telll him all these tips which i got from here.