Haha I remember the day I think it was my first month still that somebody said to me not to do SAMPLE then OPQRST but do S then OPQRST and AMPLE if needed. It sounds stupid now but it really helped me transition from robot to clinician. Now I usually walk in and say "whats up" to the patient and if I ask what they ate its probably because I am looking for lunch or dinner ideas. Remember this.....if they are awake, alert, talking.....talk to them like you would talk to someone at the gas station. Still strangers, but laid back and casual. You dont have to be a robot and your questions will get better with experience and your questions will start leading you into new questions instead of being a routine or "algorithm" so to speak.
First EMS job was as a wheelchair van driver, than I worked as an EMT-B for IFT, then 911, then as a volunteer paramedic, then as a paramedic for IFT, then as a paramedic for 911 and recently I was hired by a progressive 911 ALS transporting Fire department. This in about 5 years. Some take longer, some take less but its all about you and your journey. Keep with it, work hard, be patient and try to have fun.