How do you feel about the general public?


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A conflicting question for alot of people in healthcare? I know for me I love helping people in anyway i can. BUT. After 10 years in retail I must say i have a general disdain for the public. At the same time I love being a medic, not for the glory but because i truly want to be there for people. I remember my first call was a MVA rollover. After loading the girl on the cot I held her hand all the way in. The look on her face she was so scared. She found me later that week and thanked me for holding her hand and comforting her. I know that even though people tick me off I would do anything to help them if they needed me. Wierd?
Take individuals as they come.
Don't assume an attitude... you get what you give.
In EMS it seems like it's a bit worse, but you look at the circumstances and understand that when we deal with people it's almost never under good circumstances, so the general public seems like a bunch of mad, annoying upset group of people.

Just take each ordeal case by case. You'll have your patients that all EMS personnel run into, stereotypes, but you sometimes get people who are cool.
I think doing this job, we get to see alot of people at their worst. When people call for us they are rarely at there best. I ran a call where we got toned out for cardiac arrest. upon arrival we found grandma dead in the living room. The kids were eating their lucky charms in full view of the body while the mother figure explained to us she must have died in the middle of the night. No one shed a tear or seemed to care. Calls like this sometimes make me start to lose "my faith in people" but every once in a while you get that one call that makes you feel better. on that note i think it would be cool to start a thread where people could post thank you notes they or there department have recieved.
Myself, it seems like the only group I have a definate "Oh god not this crap again" is when I see a call for 70 or more years old.

I can't help it. I don't do it for the ghettos we have, I don't do it for club fights, I don't even do it that much for our frequent fliers. But when I see "Injury from a fall, 92yof..." I just groan in my seat.

When I get there, I am better, and I help them just fine and am friendly and helpful. But on the way there, I am cursing them and saying things like "Freakin' damn gomers with their frail little hips and papery skin and GAH!" I don't know what comes over me, honestly.

Maybe we all just need someone to scapegoat? Or maybe I'm just a horrible person...
I like the general population :)
Even if you work full-time, you spend most of your week as the "general public". EMS is not a secret society of the medically enlightened.
Kinda a strange question. I consider myself "apart of the General Public" and I do like myself (most of the time).
Even if you work full-time, you spend most of your week as the "general public". EMS is not a secret society of the medically enlightened.
Well I'm calling BS on that one! At least that's not what the Gall's salesman told me...:P
I don't like society and what it has become. Too me-oriented, too superficial, too materialistic.
Even if you work full-time, you spend most of your week as the "general public". EMS is not a secret society of the medically enlightened.

I'm calling BS on you again. I know you, and I know how you think. At either of your jobs in EMS, are you really telling me that you dont look at specific groups (whether they be age, residence location, or lifestyle) and just sigh (with disdain), waiting for the next time you are going to be called to their aid, for the Q-tip in the ear, or the impending hip fracture, or the VA discharge.

<jk> C'mon, we know you love the secret society of EMS (you certainly surround yourself with EMSers)-- and you certainly enjoy being medically enlightened. I'm guilty of the exact same... and maybe more severely. </jk>

Hey, its even apparent on this forum-- it shows in the way we treat non-EMTs, or non-Medics, or non-RN/RRT/ABCDEFGrs-- with disdain.

We are inherently judgmental animals-- its both good and bad-- sometimes its called racism, sometimes critical thinking or assessment. The important thing is not to minimize that little voice in our head, but learn how to use it to best provide patient care and interact with the rest of the world.
Myself, it seems like the only group I have a definate "Oh god not this crap again" is when I see a call for 70 or more years old.

I can't help it. I don't do it for the ghettos we have, I don't do it for club fights, I don't even do it that much for our frequent fliers. But when I see "Injury from a fall, 92yof..." I just groan in my seat.

When I get there, I am better, and I help them just fine and am friendly and helpful. But on the way there, I am cursing them and saying things like "Freakin' damn gomers with their frail little hips and papery skin and GAH!" I don't know what comes over me, honestly.

Maybe we all just need someone to scapegoat? Or maybe I'm just a horrible person...

haha you are a horrible person... karma is gonna come back to bite you when you are 70+ and have glaucoma and arthritis and have to call 911 because "youve fallen and you cant get up!" = )
I don't like society and what it has become. Too me-oriented, too superficial, too materialistic.

I will second that opinion. People are too caught up in their own day to day lives that they dont see society as a whole crumbling around them.