Currently in HCC program
I'm currently in the HCC program. I've heard it is the toughest program in the Houston area. I do know if your a slacker you won't make it. As far as the main instructor, some folks like her some don't. The HCC program is well respected in the Houston area. And as far as clinicals we are bombarded with work while out on clinicals. The work is mainly for the up coming chapters and reviews of Intermediates. Most of the time when we go on clinicals some preceptors are just out right rude when we first arrive. I wonder what service you work for? If your not motivated to show the student paramedic the ropes. We feel like it's going to be a waste of time. I also noticed Paramedics that attended HCC and didn't make go to another program because they couldn't cut the mustard seemed to treat us worst. When I go to clinical sites I get treated the same way until I show them I'm not afraid to work. By the end of the day I receive job offers. Some preceptors don't give you a chance to prove yourself they already judged you by the school you attended. HFD treats us the best. They are motivated. A couple of students were sent to a transfer service I'm sure no Paramedic want to do basic skills again.
As far as clinical sites we go to HFD, Ben Taub ER and Psyc, OR rotations, Sugarland Methodist ER, Wharton County EMS, Cleveland Ems, ETMC, Fort Bend EMS, North Channel EMS, Westlake Fire, Hopefully I didn't forget any. The was we do out clinicals is we finish Pharm and Cardiology the do a month in clinicals. Then we finish medical emergencies and attend clinicals for a 6 weeks, in class for ACLS, PALS, SPECIAL POPS , Then clinical for a month then get ready for the exam.