Honey Im Home......

Carpe Diem

Forum Crew Member
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Hey guys! sorry for my absence, we have been out of medic school for christmas break and we have been trying to get all of our ER rotations in and AMR requires me to still keep up at least 40 hrs per week.:wacko: Gosh I think I worked about 50 hrs last week and had 3 rotations! Yall know exactly how I feel.

What kind of crazy crap happened on yalls rotations? So far, my EMT rotations have been more exiting than my Medic.:rolleyes:
Well my medic ER time was, well, boring...IV sticks and IM injections, and I was an EMT-I for 9 years...so I was very apt at the IV skills...the Ambulance time also wasnt too exciting...the usual CP or cardiac arrest, but the one thing I did run that was interesting was a pt that had complete internal organ reversal, ie heart on the right, stomach on the right, so on and so forth...and because of this he was prone to hypotension...so I was the only person in my medic class to hang a dopamine drip...other than that its wasnt all that exciting...I've done more since school than I did during school.
What the heck!? I did not know that was possible, I wonder how many like that there are, how strange.

Well this rotation today was a little more interesting, I got vomit spew in my face and started my first foley on an uncircumsized 91yo man. LOL:glare:
Carpe Diem said:
What the heck!? I did not know that was possible, I wonder how many like that there are, how strange.

Well this rotation today was a little more interesting, I got vomit spew in my face and started my first foley on an uncircumsized 91yo man. LOL:glare:

Strong Work!!! B)
Thank God we didnt have to do the cath thing...isnt not something we do here in SC...and I hope it stays that way!