Hi from Germany!---New York City?


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Hey there!

Perhaps I am going from Germany from 29.11.2009 up to 5.12.2009 to New York City with my Dad....

Here in Germany I am a nurse in prison and on my second job I am EMT-B...

I really would like to visit in New York City a Prison if this is possible...perhaps only for one or two hours....and I would like to visit a rescue team or paramedics...

My Dad an I will stay in Manhattan....

Does anybody knows, where I can write before to check if it is possible?...exspacially för the prison...what papers from Germany do I need, to come in the prison?....

I would be very glad, if somebody here could help me....perhaps just only with emailadresses or contact persons....

I know, my english is not perfect, but I hope, some of you understood me....

Greetings from Munich!!!!

Oh I forgot----or perhaps I could visit an emergency admisson somewhere...
tag!....wie gehts?......sorry i can't write and i only speak a little...im not from new york but i believe you could just set up a tour once your here...and about the ambulance service tour, you could probably walk up to any station and they would be kind enough to show you around, or at least i would if someone came asking me...well good luck any questions or if you come a little farther north to Rhode Island email me [email removed, please PM user for email address] .... i love europe and i was planning on goin back and visiting Germany.
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