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hi just wanted to say hello and introduce myself..my name is laura i live right outside chicago..i completed my emt-b class last week and took my first attempt at the national test last night.. i must say in my head i feel i know my stuff yet when it comes to a test, any test i always seem to clam up..i passed my class in the upper 90% yet i failed my nremt last night..so for the next few weeks im going to study the book from front to back again and retake the test.

I have always been a reader and wanted to suggest a book called AMBULANCE GIRL by Jane stern a good read and explains alot of how i felt about becoming the ambulance girl..

in my training in class i have completed about 40 hours of pt contact time all on a rig.
I read a little snippet of Ambulance Girl on amazon and was going to get the book after I finished school. It looked really interesting and I love first hand views of the job and the way those experiences impact a person and shape lives. Especially the personal growth the writer herself experienced. Congrats on finishing. Hang in there, you'll get the next test.
ty..i like it here so far..i know i sound like a real nerd but i do enjoy to read when i have nothing else to do and on the rig i found myself with nothing to do but read in between calls.. i also found another book im reading now its about a medic from harlem and his real life calls its a good one so far.. i read these books on my iphone so it seems i read them faster and i gotta say the iphone has become my best friend. for those of you who have one and read check out the kindle app by amazon.. you can read books right on your phone its really cool and a great thing for when you need to pass time in between calls

black flies by shannon burke
great book little graphic tho
I read a lot too but I tend to stick more to fiction, especially paranormal, urban fantasy as I'm a writer in that genre. Totally need an ereader one of these days. You can do ebooks on palm pilots. They have reader programs as well, for when you can't splurge of the kindle. I know I can't. :wacko:
Welcome to the site! Sorry to hear that Registry bit you but you can, of course, take it again. :-) You should be able to find out how you did in each area. Just study over your stuff and you should be fine. And also: Relax! I was a bit nervous when I went in for mine but I calmed down and did just fine.

Good luck!

tyvm..im scared of this nremt test i passed my class flying colors i get there i do exactly what i was told to do and bam i fail...the last week i have been redoing my whole emt book and have post it all over the house.. i went and bought 2 more nremt books so i better pass the next one..i have to wait till next week to try and reregister to take it.
you got your results already? I know this thread is a few days old but it usually takes a few days and from what I read on the original post you seemed to have gotten your results the next day?
you got your results already? I know this thread is a few days old but it usually takes a few days and from what I read on the original post you seemed to have gotten your results the next day?

NR is temperamental Some people get their scores that day if they took the test in the morning and check back in later afternoon, some people get it the next day, and some the day after.
i got my results the next morning because i took the test at 2pm or i would have had them wiht in a hour or two..:rolleyes: