Hello All, and some questions.


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Hi everyone. So I'm new here obviously. I just finished my fourth year of college, and I'm still 37 hours from a degree. I want to finish my degree, but I'm way beyond burnt out on school right now, plus I'm 22 and can't stand not being able to move on with my life. My proffesors have also noticed, and have advised me to go and do something else with my life before continuing with my degree. I've been contemplating going into ems for a couple of years now. Also, I would eventually like to finish my communications degree in a year or so, and then go into the medical representation business, (selling drugs, and prosthetics and such). So I've decided to take the leap, and go for it. I know I can do the job, but its been kinda funny for some of the people who know me to believe me. You see, I have a difibriltor/pacemaker, and have had four open heart surgeries. I'm fine, and in good health but when I told my family they almost laughed. I'll start in august, and an emt buddy of mine gave me a book to start studying. I was wondering if anyone here had any advice for to new guy, that would give me an edge. I'm taking a six week class offered by the ems service here in my area, and so all of the advice I can get I'll take.

you can also email me here: dross20@gmail.com
dross said:
Hi everyone. So I'm new here obviously. I just finished my fourth year of college, and I'm still 37 hours from a degree. I want to finish my degree, but I'm way beyond burnt out on school right now, plus I'm 22 and can't stand not being able to move on with my life. My proffesors have also noticed, and have advised me to go and do something else with my life before continuing with my degree. I've been contemplating going into ems for a couple of years now. Also, I would eventually like to finish my communications degree in a year or so, and then go into the medical representation business, (selling drugs, and prosthetics and such). So I've decided to take the leap, and go for it. I know I can do the job, but its been kinda funny for some of the people who know me to believe me. You see, I have a difibriltor/pacemaker, and have had four open heart surgeries. I'm fine, and in good health but when I told my family they almost laughed. I'll start in august, and an emt buddy of mine gave me a book to start studying. I was wondering if anyone here had any advice for to new guy, that would give me an edge. I'm taking a six week class offered by the ems service here in my area, and so all of the advice I can get I'll take.

you can also email me here: dross20@gmail.com

My advise, finish your degree ASAP and take an EMT-Basic class at the same time to see if you really like ems, then go from there.

Basic four year degree is a good thing, you'll always have time to come play on the street (run ems calls) later.

In reality, you can work and/or volunteer part-time in ems and still go to college too (thats what i do, then again, i have no life).

All this said, jump head first into ems, you won't regret it. You'll see things regular people couldn't even imagine.

There are added benifits to working ems you probably don't even know about. After working in ems, you'll have great people skills. After all, if you can communicate effectively during times of crisis, then the rest of the time, communication will be cake. Also, you'll learn a lot about sociology, the real kind. You'll better understand social stuctures and different cultures and different social classes. One minute, you'll be talking to a some homeless guy you picked up off the street with IQ of <70 and the next minute explaining your assesment of his condition to a brilliant doctor...............
WOW, 22 and 4 open heart surgeries........

EMS is a great career. You are not to far from me. There are some pretty good services to work for near you.

Good luck in school. If you get stuck on something, there are a bunch of folks here that will lend a hand!!
Dross - Welcome to EMTlife. We put the Fun in Dysfunction!

If you want to take a semester off, and can afford to - go for it! Get your EMT. as long as you stay awake and read the materials, you really can't fail.

As for your career choice - I can imagine that conversation - "Gee, Mom... I want to sell drugs for a living" Yeah ;). We have a PRN medic locally who works fulltime as a drug rep... and still picks up shifts as a medic for fun - for him, it is a HUGE paycut to play EMT-P vs. Drug Rep... but he really likes it.

Thanks for all of the advice guys. I thought about volunteering for a while, but there is truly only one ambulance service in about 50 miles in any direction. They have it all, so I can't volunteer as an EMT. Also, everyone I've talked to said, go and work in littler rock for six months or so, and then transfer to back to conway (where i live now.) At that point it will be really easy to also go back for my degree.