HALLOWEEN 2009 BAD TRICKS: log them here.


Still crazy but elsewhere
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Rumors and legends abound of fish hooks in popcorn balls, razor blades in apples, etc.
Please enter your PERSONALLY VERIFIED OR WITNESSED events here. Let's see xrays if possible.

Here, we have gone year after year with NO verifiable bad tricks the person bringing the item didn't make themselves...sort of a Munchausen by candy.
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Well?! Well?!

So, how is it going?
Always hear about that kind of stuff but have never seen it. I've been checking my son's candy all day, though. For.. ah... safety purposes. Yeah, that's it, safety. Can't be too sure. :P
local ER's and courthouses have stopped scanning for free.

Every hit was turning out to be a set up to see if the xray could pick the object up.
Last chance....

or, "Myth Busted"!
MOds, let's lock this.

someone hands you a "beer," but it turns out to be natty ice.

bad trick.
Sounds like a St Padreig's Day stunt.
