Hey Everybody,
I have not been in the field in many years due to other business pursuits, but I have recently started a company focused on helping to solve some of the systemic problems that EMS systems and EMT's face which have not changed in decades since EMS evolved from meat wagons to mobile trauma bays.
In seeking answers that go beyond my experience, and accounting for others perspectives and preferences, I hope that anyone with constructive opinions can help.
EMT (Ret)
I have not been in the field in many years due to other business pursuits, but I have recently started a company focused on helping to solve some of the systemic problems that EMS systems and EMT's face which have not changed in decades since EMS evolved from meat wagons to mobile trauma bays.
In seeking answers that go beyond my experience, and accounting for others perspectives and preferences, I hope that anyone with constructive opinions can help.
EMT (Ret)