Good morning


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Christmas night consisted of: death

I had a guy with that threw the ACLS code book at us. Torsades, PEA, V-tach, intermittent brady with pules after shocks.

We tried everything even echocardiogram (in ER) and the doctor and nurses "voted" to call it. Apparently they have a democracy according to the MD.

Cant help but be sad, its my first christmas away from home and I get to deal with that. I suppose I am still a little young for letting it get to me.
Hey hang in there. My day yesterday consisted of a cardiac arrest with the same end result as your's , a stroke pt and a 17 year old male snowmobile vs. electrical pole accident with no helmet and severe head injury. You can't help but feel bad for the families having to remember Christmas 2008 as one of losing a loved one for years to come. Hope today is better.
I see that you are a student, so I assume your experience in EMS is somewhat limited? Anyhow, as I stated to another student here, "welcome to front-line EMS!"

I don't think youth as much as inexperience is the reason for feeling sad from time to time based upon one's experience on a call. I still get "privately" impacted from what I see and I've been in this business in one form or another since 1976!

Nothing wrong with the way you feel as long as you understand that one, you will experience more calls like this all throughout your career. And two, keep yourself strong in mind and not allow the "sad" calls to impact your ability to keep providing good patient care.
You did your best...and that's all that you can do.
Thank you for giving your time and working Christmas.
You may never hear it, but the families would be grateful, that at least you tried to save their loved ones.
As I've said to a few people in the past...the day you feel nothing (for the patient or their families),
is the day you should stop doing this type of work.

Take care!
Cheers Enjoynz
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Always look for the bright side. As a buddy of mine said after we called a code in the hallway beside the dining room, Christmas turkey with all the fixin's, not touched yet..."ask about the extra seat..."
Sometimes Christmas sucks.

Yesterday I did two local transfers, a DOA and a fall. The DOA was sitting bolt upright in a chair beside the bed. Apparently he got up in the night as he hadn't been feeling well the past few days. When his wife got up she couldn't wake him. He was 86.

The fall was a 65f, very drunk and slipped on a mat and hit her head. I last saw her heading for CT to check out her neck pain.

Sometimes its just another day. Bad sh** happens. My grandfather died on Dec28/88 and a year before my father-in-law died on Dec 27. I know how some people feel.

Today we did our family Xmas. Opened presants, stockings etc. I'm just about to go upstairs for Xmas dinner. A much better day.

I hope your day was good too.
This is how life moves, it is ever changing and forever going in one million directions it always seems worse round the holidays. You were there and you and the team that you worked with give it your all. This is the time to reflect on what is important to you, and how you will find strength from it.
We are here with you, maybe not in person but in spirit. My thoughts are with you today.......... *~* -_-
One year on Christmas eve, my husband and his partner coded an elderly gentleman. He was heavy set with long white hair and a beard...... Seriously.. he came home and asked if the kids had presents.. I said yes.. he said.. good.. we coded Santa last night!