Ff training


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Any firefighters out there? I just found out that I need to have firefighter level 1 training completed before I can apply for Paramedic School. Can any one tell me: (I live in Los Angeles, CA)

1. What does firefighter level 1 training consist of?
2. How do I prepare for it?
3. Where can I take the class? Is it only offered at the fire academy?
Never heard of FF 1 being a pre req for entrance into any medic program. To be honest a large number of medic candidates do not have the physical conditioning to make it through a fire academy or preform the evolutions required for even the basic material covered in IFSTA FF 1, sorry folks but that's a fact. The one exception to the pre req rule may be a fire department sponsored class. Are you with a department that wants you to have an academy in before you start medic class. Could you give us a little more information to work with.
There must be more to it than that, is it just a single department issue (LA city or county) or is it a blanket policy within the city. Last I heard LA city and many others had FF/EMT positions and then would put people through medic school. I know they have some strange policies much like here in WA but I cant believe all those interested in medic school have to be FF1 or you have to be a medic to be a FF. I do know that many departments are going that route but that's another whole big ugly can of worms. Maybe I just missed some humor on your part Vent.
Never heard of FF 1 being a pre req for entrance into any medic program. To be honest a large number of medic candidates do not have the physical conditioning to make it through a fire academy or preform the evolutions required for even the basic material covered in IFSTA FF 1, sorry folks but that's a fact. The one exception to the pre req rule may be a fire department sponsored class. Are you with a department that wants you to have an academy in before you start medic class. Could you give us a little more information to work with.

I currently work as an EMT for private ambulance company. I'm pursuing my Paramedic training...I don't want to work fire. The school I plan to attend requires that you must have firefighter level 1 training before starting the Paramedic program.

Where can I go and complete the firefighter level 1 trainig in Los Angeles County....or in California.
There must be more to it than that, is it just a single department issue (LA city or county) or is it a blanket policy within the city. Last I heard LA city and many others had FF/EMT positions and then would put people through medic school. I know they have some strange policies much like here in WA but I cant believe all those interested in medic school have to be FF1 or you have to be a medic to be a FF. I do know that many departments are going that route but that's another whole big ugly can of worms. Maybe I just missed some humor on your part Vent.

You would have to live in either Florida or California to see the "humor" in this situation.

In some counties of CA, only the Paramedics that work with the FD are allowed to function as a Paramedic.

In Florida, to get on with a FD it is very helpful to have the Paramedic cert at the time you apply. It doesn't matter if you have worked at Burger King for the past 5 years since you got your Paramedic patch because you would rather do that than patient care while you wait for a FD job opening.
I currently work as an EMT for private ambulance company. I'm pursuing my Paramedic training...I don't want to work fire. The school I plan to attend requires that you must have firefighter level 1 training before starting the Paramedic program.

Where can I go and complete the firefighter level 1 trainig in Los Angeles County....or in California.

Here are a couple of good sites, firecareers.com and firehouse.com both are great resources with plenty of people knowledgeable and well positioned to give you spot on advice and answers to your questions. Also knowing which school you plan to attend might help you to get some more advice.
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Here are a couple of good sites, firecareers.com and firehouse.com both are great resources with plenty of people knowledgeable and well positioned to give you spot on advice and answers to your questions. Also knowing which school you plan to attend might help you to get some more advice.

Thanks. I look into these sites.
Why don't you just ask the school you are applying to Paramedic program where most of their students get their FF training? I'm sure they would know the answer if this is a requirement as you say.

There are probably other Paramedic programs in the area that may not require you to be a FF such as at the community colleges. However, if you are going to apply at L.A. FD...........
Any firefighters out there? I just found out that I need to have firefighter level 1 training completed before I can apply for Paramedic School. Can any one tell me: (I live in Los Angeles, CA)

1. What does firefighter level 1 training consist of?
2. How do I prepare for it?
3. Where can I take the class? Is it only offered at the fire academy?

Noooo. No you do not need a FF1 cert to go to paramedic school. Whoever told you that is just wrong. You are thinking of going to Paramedic Training Institute (PTI) are you not? Try again because PTI is probably the worst paramedic school in the entire world (I am not kidding). Mt. Sac, Daniel Freeman, NCTI, Ventura College, High Desert, Riverside CC are all way better.
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let me guess you are planing on attending PTI through el camino college?, well UCLA, Mt. Sac, and saddle backe don't require the FFI , which is not the case at all I think you mean FFI academy.:rolleyes:
Noooo. No you do not need a FF1 cert to go to paramedic school. Whoever told you that is just wrong. You are thinking of going to Paramedic Training Institute (PTI) are you not? Try again because PTI is probably the worst paramedic school in the entire world (I am not kidding). Mt. Sac, Daniel Freeman, NCTI, Ventura College, High Desert, Riverside CC are all way better.

Actually, I was thinking of going to El Camino Community College....which is some how a part of PTI....I looked into Daniel Freeman, but that's way too expensive....I don't exactly have $10,000...and I don't need to accumulate any more student loans...already have two. I will check out Mt. Sac., thanks for the info.