Fatal crash caused by woman running red light on way to hospital.


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Or just been safer while driving to the ED
I knew it wouldn't take long for this to happen; people upset because the PD stops people from driving crazy to the ED, now someone died doing that same thing. at least she didn't kill someone else
Thank God the only person seriously hurt was the one that caused the accident.
Or just been safer while driving to the ED

The general public just needs to be better educated about the role of EMS in medical emergencies. Had the grandmother known there would have been a paramedic staffed ambulance at the house in 5 minutes fully capable of treating and transporting the girl to the hospital, she might not have gone to such drastic measures. There are very few situations in which its better to drive yourself, and this isn't one of them (though the man with the stroking wife probably did qualify).

Also, people need to stop getting the idea that we run through red lights. Doesn't happen. We carefully inch through red lights until we are reasonably certain everyone is stopped. If these people followed the same rules we do, they would significantly lower their chance of getting into accidents on the way to the hospital.
I don't think this was the first time it happened...

Additionally, in some urban areas, private vehicle transport to a trauma center (specifically) showed lower mortality rate (even for similar injury index).