ER Rotation


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Well, I had my ER rotation today and I managed to survive. I saw everything from an upper GI bleed (first patient - and someone I know at that) to a broken arm (broke both radius and ulna in a bicycle accident) and even a full code. The lady was brought in with a poss. stroke and was unresponsive. She started coming around and I was going to get something for a nurse when she crashed. Got her back for about 30 seconds and then she was gone. The medic who brought her in sure didn't like me for some reason... after it was all said and done (and why she even stuck around I have no idea, she didn't do anything once they put the patient in the room) and told me next time she brought a patient in I needed to stay out of the way... again not sure why but oh well.

So, it was a good day. Got to see a good variety of patients and got some good contact. I do a ride next weekend with a busy agency... hope it goes well. :-)


P.S. My preceptor for today said she gave me a good review (I won't know for sure until after my instructor reads the eval - it's in a sealed envelope right now) but she said I did a good job.
Well, I had my ER rotation today and I managed to survive. I saw everything from an upper GI bleed (first patient - and someone I know at that) to a broken arm (broke both radius and ulna in a bicycle accident) and even a full code. The lady was brought in with a poss. stroke and was unresponsive. She started coming around and I was going to get something for a nurse when she crashed. Got her back for about 30 seconds and then she was gone. The medic who brought her in sure didn't like me for some reason... after it was all said and done (and why she even stuck around I have no idea, she didn't do anything once they put the patient in the room) and told me next time she brought a patient in I needed to stay out of the way... again not sure why but oh well.

So, it was a good day. Got to see a good variety of patients and got some good contact. I do a ride next weekend with a busy agency... hope it goes well. :-)


P.S. My preceptor for today said she gave me a good review (I won't know for sure until after my instructor reads the eval - it's in a sealed envelope right now) but she said I did a good job.

don't worry about that medic....she was probably in a b*tchy mood and decided to take it out on you.....sounds like you had a decent clinical. wish i had a code during mine.
I didn't work a single code or see anything worse than a respiratory arrest during my clinicals. Consider yourself lucky.

Hate to say it, but I need codes in my paramedic clinicals. Kind of hard to shock someone who's not in cardiac arrest...
You're a student at the hospital, she turned care over to the hospital. Therefore, she has no say. If she has a problem, politely ask her to take it up with the charge nurse.

Glad you saw some interesting things.
Thanks everyone. BTW, I didn't do compressions but it wasn't because I wasn't prepared to jump in. The two guys who were switching up on it basically wouldn't let me. No big deal though... there were two nursing students there as well and they weren't really allowed to do anything during the code either. I felt that even just watching it was a good thing... got to see how it "really" works. For those of you who have never seen one, it isn't like it is on TV (mostly). LOL

Next up: EMS rides. I'm very much looking forward to that.
Sounds like a great first rotation. My first couple of rotations were pretty boring, all we got were a couple drunks, an assault and a bunch of chest pains, but on my last one I got to see a code. I hope you get to see some neat stuff on your ride, my first ride we ran a code and I got to do compressions, it was pretty damn exciting. :D
Chest pains are boring? I will take chest pains over a code all day long. Remember that EMS is not exciting. It is cerebral stimulation!
Chest pains are boring? I will take chest pains over a code all day long. Remember that EMS is not exciting. It is cerebral stimulation!

That's a good point lol, the nurses certainly made them seem boring though :P