EMT moms?


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Any other moms that are EMTs? I am starting school this week and the schedule fits perfectly with my husband's work schedule. We have 4 children and am wondering how other mom EMTs balance work and kids
I do it on a volunteer service but my husband is a fulltime medic and he works overnights so I work perdiem during the week and it works out. It depends on how your service works sched. but my kids love to come to the vol. bldg and visit with everyone I have 4 kids too
we don't have a volunteer service for ems. We do for fire though and rescue squad. I did the rescue squad many years ago while I was a teen through the Explorer Boy Scout program. I am hoping to get a 7a-7a shift...we'll see I guess. That way I only need someone in the mornings for a few hours. At the most 2 mornings a week.
I only have one kid, but am fortunate that family is willing to help out when both myself and my husband are at work. He works second shift, Sun-Thurs, and I work 24/48s. It works out that we only need someone to watch our son 1-2 times/week for about 9 hours. He is starting school this year, so that will make things a little bit more interesting as far as juggling schedules. It is actually a great schedule for us. I actually get to spend more time at home with my son, and he loves going to the firehouse to visit on occasion. Whatever schedule you end up with, you will find a way to make it work for your situation and family.
Thanks...this fall will be a great milestone for us as our last child starts Kindergarten. I don't know whether to sleep for the first two weeks or throw a big party!! I will finish school in Sept. and finish my degree in Dec. So I am assuming it will be about Nov or Dec when I start working. I will have to apply for reciprocity to our state as my class is in the near neighboring state

Hi, Thanks to my family and my husbands work schedual it works out just fine. I am on mostly in the day so that I can be home at night when my husband ( who works 12 hrs overnights as a nurse ) is not home.
Sometimes it is hard and they hate to see me leave and drop whatever we were doing but they understand that I am helping others who are hurting. We are planning a nice vacation to the Black Hills and they are looking forward to that.
Any other moms that are EMTs? I am starting school this week and the schedule fits perfectly with my husband's work schedule. We have 4 children and am wondering how other mom EMTs balance work and kids

I'm a stay-at-home dad. Does that count?
My other half and I are both medics and have a newborn and with his 2 jobs and my one its gets a little hectic but my family is close and willing to help so our son only has to be away from both of us for no more than a 24hr shift. It is a big help too that the 911 service we both work for is very understanding and tries really hard to make sure that our shifts don't monkey with our baby's schedule too much.