Sir Drinks-a-lot
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- 4
- 18
56 yoa male patient found lying supine in bed A&O x4 with a GCS of 15 c/o elevated temp weakness and dizziness. Patient advises fever began the day before with increasing temp and weakness leading up to call and that this is the second time he has called for EMS transport and hospital treatment in a week for the same complaint. Patient advised he was laying in bed all day. Patient advised -SOB, -N/V, -Chest pain with +weakness and +dizziness.
NKDA, PMHx: ETOH, HTN, Anxiety, Insomnia, Depression. Ate breakfast around 0800 call was around 1700 pt hadn't eaten or drank anything since then.
Vitals: 118/68 mmhg, 132 HR, RR 24 and non-labored, 91% RA, 192 CBG, Temp 102.8
Physical exam reveals =cbbs, hot dry red skin, strong regular radial pulse.
Patient placed on 4LPM O2 via NC and 18GA IV started in left forearm 1/1 attempts successful with -swelling, -coolness, -pain on flush and saline lock applied. NS bolus administered 250CC with and additional 100CC's run throughout transport.
Vitals: 122/70 mmhg, HR 117, RR 20 and non-labored, 97% 4lpm, temp 99.9
=CBBS present after bolus. Patient advised decreased weakness and dizziness after treatment. Patient care and report given to facility staff.
Total transport time roughly 25 minutes.
NKDA, PMHx: ETOH, HTN, Anxiety, Insomnia, Depression. Ate breakfast around 0800 call was around 1700 pt hadn't eaten or drank anything since then.
Vitals: 118/68 mmhg, 132 HR, RR 24 and non-labored, 91% RA, 192 CBG, Temp 102.8
Physical exam reveals =cbbs, hot dry red skin, strong regular radial pulse.
Patient placed on 4LPM O2 via NC and 18GA IV started in left forearm 1/1 attempts successful with -swelling, -coolness, -pain on flush and saline lock applied. NS bolus administered 250CC with and additional 100CC's run throughout transport.
Vitals: 122/70 mmhg, HR 117, RR 20 and non-labored, 97% 4lpm, temp 99.9
=CBBS present after bolus. Patient advised decreased weakness and dizziness after treatment. Patient care and report given to facility staff.
Total transport time roughly 25 minutes.