Electronic Stethoscopes in EMS


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Just wondering what the opinions are regarding electronic vs standard stethoscopes in the field. I'm currently in the market for some new ears after a numbskull move on my part put my Littmann Master Cardiology on the shelf. I really like that model but am considering the 3100 model electronic. Littmann has a free 2-week trial which I will likely take advantage of just to experience it for myself but I still don't know which route to go when it's time to actually purchase.

My main concerns, beyond price, are warranty length and durability for the EMS field setting. The Master has a 7-year warranty vs 2 years for the 3100.

Anyone have any experience with electronic stethoscopes in the field? Thoughts/opinions on them vs non-electronic? Thanks.
I enjoy my Littman 3200. I took part in the trial program, and ended up sending the sampler steth back the 2nd day and ordering the 3200. I use my steth for a lot more things than a typical provider would use it for though (Patellar percussion, murmur dx, cardioscan, indications for TEE, etc).
Cool. I really don't doubt how well they work. I guess my biggest concern would be the unintentional abuse it may take on occasion in the field and it's durability against that. I'm typically pretty good with taking care of my stuff though. Especially with that sort of price tag.
Cool. I really don't doubt how well they work. I guess my biggest concern would be the unintentional abuse it may take on occasion in the field and it's durability against that. I'm typically pretty good with taking care of my stuff though. Especially with that sort of price tag.

Mine seems pretty durable. Just make sure to carry extra batteries just in case. The 3100 and 3200 will not work without power.
Personally, I dont see why youd need an electronic stethoscope in our business, unless you're hard of hearing. However, I'm lucky enough work for a service that provides us with master cardiology scopes free of charge. But, if you can try one for free, why not give it a shot?
Personally, I dont see why youd need an electronic stethoscope in our business, unless you're hard of hearing. However, I'm lucky enough work for a service that provides us with master cardiology scopes free of charge. But, if you can try one for free, why not give it a shot?

Provides you Master Cardio's for free?!
Kudos out to your service. I bought mine for a little over $200 and was worth every penny.
I've been considering a electronic scope since im a little hard of hearing in my left ear. I've only checked into a few and they are around $500 so that's a lil pricey for me right now.. Let us know how it works out for you if you take the trial.
I am currently trying out the 3200. A great scope but an overkill for EMT-B/I. If you are not familiar with auscultation the scope may make you think you are hearing things that are not there. You must also consider the clean up, having a very expensive scope lying around and the fact you need to keep extra batteries. I can't imagine the embarrassment of telling a patient to wait while I change my batteries or family members seeing me do so. Don't get me wrong I love the scope. It is extremely nice to use in class but I just don't know about taking it with me on the truck. I currently have a cardio III (just repaired) and a Master Cardio. Both work very well. I have also had scopes stolen in the past and the 3200 due to cost is not one I want to replace. Remember some scenes are very chaotic. If you turn your back for a second or two it will most likely disappear.:o
I use the Littman 3100 and absolutely LOVE it. Yes, I am hard of hearing in my left ear and I wear a hearing aid in that ear. With the electronic scope, I am able to do my job and not worry about missing lung sounds or heart tones. I have had it for a little over a year and have changed the battery 1 time (1 AA). My partners have used it a few times and are impressed with what they can hear in the back of a moving ambulance. In REALLY loud situations it isn't going to perform perfect, but none of them do.
I've been considering a electronic scope since im a little hard of hearing in my left ear. I've only checked into a few and they are around $500 so that's a lil pricey for me right now.. Let us know how it works out for you if you take the trial.

EmtTravis- I paid $309 for my Littman 3100 with shipping. It still is not cheap, but it is well worth the price for a piece of equipment you will use for many years. I think they may have even come down in price since the 3200 came out.