Driving record


Forum Ride Along
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I have been offered a job and I am well qualified.

My question is I have 2 wrecks on my driving rec. 1 in which I was rear- ended (not at fault) and the other where I was at fault. I don't have any points on my license but I do quite a few traffic tickets that were dissmissed and are not on my driving record but my court records.

I am going to have a problem when the background check is done?
You need to provide us some more information before we can answer your question. Where do you live? Are you an EMT or Paramedic? How long ago was the at-fault collision? Have you done a DMV records check on yourself? Do these show up?
I am in NC and I am an EMT-B. I have done a DMV report and none of the other tickets show up except for the accidents. The at fault accident was about 1 year and 7 months ago, I was cited for wreckless driving but the charge was dissmissed and that is not on the driving record.
Depends on the company's standards I suppose. I've seen different companies ask for different things. Some want driving abstracts, some don't. And some give a number of points allowed, or a time-elapsed since last infraction.
For the most part, I believe it is up to the companys insurance carrier to make the decision. The company may agree to hire you, but the insurance company may not allow you to drive.
Most companies here in SoCal won't let you have more than one point on your record if you're job entails ever possibly driving the rig. If it's not on your H-6 printout, you should be fine. I wouldn't worry about your dismissed charges. If one accident is all you have on that sheet of paper, I wouldn't worry TOO much.
I had 2 at-fault fender-benders on my record. No issues driving. Now they are all cleared off, and I have 1 NOT at fault MAJOR MVA that happened in an ambulance. That gets more attention than my fender benders.
Yeah, I have a crappy driving record as well. (Up to 11 points at one time). All happened before I was 18, and it's been almost 3 years since I've gotten a ticket. I'll be ticked if I can't get a job once I get my medic license.
My department requires a clean driving record. They do a check before you can even take AVOC/EVOC.

Besides, people should not speed, tailgate or drive reckless. I know not all accidents are your fault, but if you do no speed, follow the rules and do not tailgate you greatly decrease your chances of an accident.

Do you need to take special training and certification where you are to get your AVOC endorsment?
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I have been offered a job and I am well qualified.

My question is I have 2 wrecks on my driving rec. 1 in which I was rear- ended (not at fault) and the other where I was at fault. I don't have any points on my license but I do quite a few traffic tickets that were dissmissed and are not on my driving record but my court records.

I am going to have a problem when the background check is done?

With those key words that you have been offered a job, it sounds like the driving record isn't an issue.