Dr. Bledsoe on 21st Century Paramedics


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A day late and a dollar short

I have the highest respect for Dr. Bledsoe,

But the "EMS leaders whoever they are" are the medical directors.

I don't see a mandate from ACEP stating that medical directors should not permit paramedics without a degree to practice.

I don't see medical directors unilaterally demanding new people working under them have a degree.

I absolutely love reading this stuff by JEMS, who several years ago sold out to the IAFF and IAFC, who while not the only ones responsible, spend a lot of money on holding EMS back by demanding it is just a set of skills like trench rescue or auto extrication.

Every place I have worked has been having this same conversation for more than 20 years. (man, I am getting old) and nothing has changed. Those of us who tried were swept away by the wave of those who resisted.

EMS providers as a body do not take it upon themselves to expand their formal education.

You have all made your bed, now lay in it. You wanted to be irresponsible techs and you are receiving all that you asked for in abundance.

As Dr. Bledsoe himself has said, the best and brightest move on from EMS.

The true talent pool is rather shallow compared to the volume of EMS providers.

If change is going to come, it must come as a directive from medical directors. They are the only ones in position to effect any change. Unfortunately as evidenced in Naples, FL. Their position is rather tenuous. Piss off some pathetic fire chief or CEO and they are replaced just as fast as EMT-Bs at transport companies.

Perhaps they should have exerted tighter control when they actually had some influence instead of always turning a blind eye and not being bothered.
Brown is saddened and disheartened.

EMS has sold out to the lowest common denominator, the barely homeostasasing Parathinktheyare's out to save the world with thier cool tricks and flashing red lights.

I blame the Whacker E. Rescue's, volunteers, the fire department, the funding model and the gross overalignment with public safety rather than the healthcare system.