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What is DOT's influence over EMS other than we are a branch off of them? Do they have any governing powers? Reason I ask is that there's a woman I work with who is newer to the world of EMS than I am, and thinks that she is everyone's boss. She even tries to correct the guys who have been practicing EMS for 4+ years. One guy said they spent more than 45 minutes in the ER waiting for her to finish the report. They also said she gets lost in technical beaurocracy when giving the patch to the recieving hospitals, instead of just giving PT age, vitals and brief chief complaint, she has to confirm everything and spends an extra 10 minutes away from her PT. Not to just point out that shes inexperienced and needs to learn a little bit about basic ambulance and run opperations, but she thinks she is authorized to boss all the other EMT's around because she works for the DOT.

Just want to see if theres legitimacy here or if she needs to be knocked down a peg or two.
As far as I know, in most places, DOT has nothing to do with EMS.

There should be a chain of command in your agency. If someone needs to put in their place, that is who should do it.

Unfortunately the chief isn't one for discipline. Even the leutenant doesn't do much to keep things in check. It is terribly unfortunate...
Sounds like it might be time to find a new gig.
If she has no role as supervisor, she can not "boss" you around.
One guy said they spent more than 45 minutes in the ER waiting for her to finish the report. They also said she gets lost in technical beaurocracy when giving the patch to the recieving hospitals, instead of just giving PT age, vitals and brief chief complaint, she has to confirm everything and spends an extra 10 minutes away from her PT.

I don't see where this is "bossing" YOU around. This sounds like there are other problems between personalities or the fact that she may have some knowledge about how EMS is organized at a Federal level to which you may not understand.

What is DOT's influence over EMS other than we are a branch off of them? Do they have any governing powers?

It is not just a branch off of them but rather the Department of Transportation's (DOT) National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has been the federal oversight of emergency medical services.

Here's a link if you want to know a little more about the roles of the Federal agencies in EMS.

Since you are in MA, this is should have appeared on your EMT cert application.

The training institution hereby affirms that they comply with all NHTSA/DOT EMS standards, as implemented by the Department.​
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Unfortunately the chief isn't one for discipline. Even the leutenant doesn't do much to keep things in check. It is terribly unfortunate...

Then you should be okay to tell this person to F-Off and ignore her. Oh, and feel free to point out her many flaws at every instance. If she try's to respond, interrupt her and continue to tell her what a lousy EMT she is, etc...
Then you should be okay to tell this person to F-Off and ignore her. Oh, and feel free to point out her many flaws at every instance. If she try's to respond, interrupt her and continue to tell her what a lousy EMT she is, etc...

There is such a thing as professional conduct. As long as she does not curse at you or resort to name calling, just a counseling may be appropriate from her supervisor. However, when you cross that line to verbal abuse such as what you have suggested, you should be immediately terminated.
How about a little levity?

There is such a thing as professional conduct. As long as she does not curse at you or resort to name calling, just a counseling may be appropriate from her supervisor. However, when you cross that line to verbal abuse such as what you have suggested, you should be immediately terminated.

My response was more "tongue-in-cheek" due to the fact the OP stated that they don't have much discipline in their service. If anyone would follow such advise, then there are more pressing issues to be resolved.
My response was more "tongue-in-cheek" due to the fact the OP stated that they don't have much discipline in their service. If anyone would follow such advise, then there are more pressing issues to be resolved.

The fact that they don't have much discipline may be why some are resentful toward someone who might actually know a few protocols and government processes. They may never have been held accountable by their superiors for many of the issues that she might know about and they might also if they actually had good oversight and supervision.
So do you work for the DOT also, and since when did the DOT start transporting patients?
So do you work for the DOT also, and since when did the DOT start transporting patients?

Your lack of knowledge about EMS has ceased to amaze me.

When some know so little about the profession as to its orgins, oversight and who or what is involved with education and standards, there is no doubt as why EMS has issues in these areas.
Your lack of knowledge about EMS has ceased to amaze me.

When some know so little about the profession as to its orgins, oversight and who or what is involved with education and standards, there is no doubt as why EMS has issues in these areas.

Look I don't know how many insults you gave in your 1000 year reign of being on this planet, but I do know that ems is governed by DOT, thets common knowledge silly.:P
Look I don't know how many insults you gave in your 1000 year reign of being on this planet, but I do know that ems is governed by DOT, thets common knowledge silly.:P

Then why make a fool of yourself with your other post? Or any of your posts?