Kip Teitsort, Founder
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obviously if he coded 30 min later this was an ALS run. regardless of how good of a historian this guy was you knew you were missing something important right from the begining. and since the thought of chemical burns came up right away you have to remember how caustic some chemicals can be and you are just seeing the "minimal" damage on the outside not nessicarily the nasty stuff goin on on the inside. and its better to be safe and transport ALS to the hosp. doing all you can and find out it was nothing than to have had him sign off or not do anything for him and face a law suit. personally id have taken him in quick and quiet ALS. just my $0.02
I am a paramedic so technically he was transported ALS. He just wasn't treated ALS.
We don't routinely place everyone we transport on high flow O2, start 2 large bore IV's, and do a XII Lead............