Everytime before I take a BP, I always palpate the radial site and the brachial sites to check to see if they pt has previously had a graft. I have a few questions about these. Why do they feel different when you palpate them, like the pulse feeling? It feels like it's pushing air through the vein, as well as the blood, like it vibrates a little bit. I don't know how to describe it, it is something you have to feel to know. But why does it feel like that. And why can't we take bp's on that arm? I've been told we're not supposed to, but what is the real reason?
The reason I check every time now is because I asked a pt if they have ever had dialysis before and they said no, so I put the BP cuff on him, and then got my ears on, and held the bell at the site, and the sound caught me off guard since for a second I was like uhm, are these breath sounds?! I was trying to figure out why it felt like that, then I realized that pt lied to me (obviously not on purpose) and they have had dialysis and there is a graft there. So I've learned with things like that, don't trust the pt. Always check and feel for yourself.
I taught my partner this today even though she's been doing these IFT's for 8+ months. She was like, hmm. Lemme ask the nurse if he has a graft somewhere, and I said, oh just check his pulse, and she went all ...what... Then I told her it feels different and you can usually tell that way.
BACK TO MY QUESTIONS! Why do they feel different? And why can't we do BP's on them?
The reason I check every time now is because I asked a pt if they have ever had dialysis before and they said no, so I put the BP cuff on him, and then got my ears on, and held the bell at the site, and the sound caught me off guard since for a second I was like uhm, are these breath sounds?! I was trying to figure out why it felt like that, then I realized that pt lied to me (obviously not on purpose) and they have had dialysis and there is a graft there. So I've learned with things like that, don't trust the pt. Always check and feel for yourself.
I taught my partner this today even though she's been doing these IFT's for 8+ months. She was like, hmm. Lemme ask the nurse if he has a graft somewhere, and I said, oh just check his pulse, and she went all ...what... Then I told her it feels different and you can usually tell that way.
BACK TO MY QUESTIONS! Why do they feel different? And why can't we do BP's on them?