Cool compliment


I see dead people
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Yesterday at work, I was sitting with one of the engine guys from my house, our house captain, and our special ops chief. We were talking about the new civilian EMTs they had hired and the chief told my captain that he would be getting one of them. My captain replied that he didn't think so and that he was quite happy with his civilian. The chief said he thought one of the new hires was being put at our house and my captain said he was, but on another shift.

The chief then asked who the civilian was, looked at me, and said, "That's right, it's you, isn't it? I keep forgetting you are a civilian."

I guess I am fitting in pretty well! I know when we were hired, we were told that we wouldn't be treated any different than the firefighters, but I thought it was a pretty cool comment from the chief and just wanted to tell someone about it.
That is nice... It's always nice to be appreciated and treated like the rest of the crew.
Hope things continue to do well for you...
That is an awesome comment! Congratulations!

EPI-DO you rock!:)
Just goes to show that teamwork doesn't care about the shape of the badge or your job description. That was a huge compliment, especially from a chief officer.