I was thinking about training as an EMT at Boston University. Anyone take classes there?
I have a good full time job and would like to work only part time. How is the EMT job outlook with the recession? Is it possible to work a few shifts a month and holidays?
The outlook for a real, 911 emergency EMS job is slim to none. The outlook for a non-emergency job as a horizontal taxi drier, moving people from nursing home to nursing home all day long for extremely low wages is a little better, but not fabulous. Most EMTs never find a real EMS job. And the recession is making it worse because so many nimrods who have lost their jobs in other industries are flooding to the EMT schools thinking that it's a quick and easy job. Consequently, the job market is flooded even worse than before. I certainly wouldn't quit my day job for it. And part time, the money simply isn't worth giving up your time off.
As for BU's school, I don't know, but it doesn't really matter. No matter where you go, it's just a very basic, 120 hour first aid course, taught at the grade 8 level. None are just a whole lot better than any other. Only at the paramedic level do the real differences become apparent.