confined space extrication and SKEDs


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Hi Guys ,
The other day I was thinking about some of the confined space extrications I've done in the past . You know the good old LOLFDGB ( little old lady fall down go boom ) Either between the toilet and tub or bed and wall . I've used shortboards and KEDs , has anybody come up with something better ? Has anybody got to use a SKED yet ? how is it ? I wish we could get some for our CERT team if they work pretty good .

The SKED itself is not a LBB or Immobilization device. It must be used in conjunction with a LBB or KED to provide immobilization.

I have used one several times, and it is an excellent, easy to use device. For those that dont know, its basically heavy duty plastic that you place the patient into and then slide them along the ground and can also be utilized in cave or rope rescue similar to a Stokes Basket.
Like has been said, a SKED is not an immobilization device for c-spine, but can be used with one. That being said, I wouldn't try using it if you've got someone stuck between the toilet on the wall. If you opening it up you allready know how big it can get, and putting a patient into it in that situation is going to be a royal pain and a bit pointless; pull them out onto a board if you need it, or a blanket.
We have a great little soft stretcher we use for these. About 4' square with heavy strapping handles. I would think a SKED would be difficult to maneuver in a tight space.

Sorry guys , I worded that last thread wrong . I'm curious about the sked for CERT SAR operations where we may have to move pts. several blocks or more to treatment areas with minimal manpower . The LOLFDGB scenerio is one I've dealt with a lot but always wished somebody'd come up with something better . The soft stretcher sounds interesting but we were almost always dealing with poss. hip or spinal fx.

We use the soft stretcher for most hip fractures. You can stabilize the pelvic area first, if possible, then slip the soft stretcher under them and lift them up and to the gurney. It folds up around them like a chair and works quite nicely. With the positions that some fallen pts are in, you can't always get to them. The KED works for some, but again, depends on the position of the pt. In that case, you have to get them to where you can stabilize any injured areas.

I've seen many a mildly injured fall pt, ending up with hypothermia from a night spent on the cold tile of a bathroom floor. The fx hip becomes secondary at that point.
well if you have a tek clear C-spine then you can use towels and sheets and use them as slings underneath the pt. and lift her on the stretcher that way