Most cell phone carriers phones have built in GPS. All the counties around here have Phase 2 911, which means when you call they get your GPS coordinates and should see your location on a map, then relay that to emergency professionals.
Most cell phone carriers phones have built in GPS. All the counties around here have Phase 2 911, which means when you call they get your GPS coordinates and should see your location on a map, then relay that to emergency professionals.
Sorry to threadjack but I though Kemper only had Phase I? I thought I read somewhere a while back (maybe a story around the time Clarke county's Phase II went online) that Kemper was way behind... actually, I think it might have said they didn't even have the ability to see listed numbers and addresses on a screen.
Not only a good way to find patients, it can also make searches a whole lot easier. Last summer I used phase-2 technology to put a crew within 50 feet of two lost hikers.