ACLS does not teach how to start an IV or administer IV medication. It does not go over or even briefly review these procedures. It does not teach intubation. The only pre-req is not just BLS for the health care provider. The pre req for ACLS is being a licensed health care professional or being enrolled in an a health care program to get a license where advanced resuscitation will be in your scope of practice.
I am sure you can find a place where they will let you take it if you can pay them. ACLS assumes knowledge of cardiac physiology, pharmacology, IV access, and advanced airway management. It is for people who are going to be required to run a code or participate in a code to a level where their scope of practice will require advanced airway management or medication administration. If this is not you, you do not need ACLS and will get very little from the class besides a wallet biopsy (read: waste of time and money).
Also, you cannot teach intubation in 15 minutes. That is an extremely ignorant statement. I was actually told quite the opposite by an anesthesiologist, who said that it takes around 200 intubations to become competent in the management of all airways and it was around 400 intubations where he felt he mastered airway management. I cannot even begin to stress the importance of mastery of intubation in light of recent studies of prehospital intubation.