Been Sick


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I work for an ambulance service that is based out of a hospital and we spend time in the ER aside from when we bring patients in, helping the nurses hanging out when not busy etc. So this year I figured I would get the flu shot seeing as I will be around more sick people. Well the flu shot I got didn't do squat. I got the stomach virus Christmas Eve eve and was sick for a couple of days and then last week got the flu and now I have a cough and laryngitis. Ugh I hate being sick and am so ready to be over all this crap. i wash and wash my hands, wear gloves and use antibacterial hand cleaner and if the pt has flu symptoms they are required to wear a mask.
Preaching to the choir, as it were....

Harkening back to my thread years ago about Public Health and Micro for health professionals...

Influenza is a respiratory disease whose receptors in your body are in your nose. Influenza is characterized by rapid onset of malaise (aching), languor (lost energy), fever, respiratory s/s (cough/sneeze/spit), and often prostration and apathy. It is potentially lethal and pandemic.

Influenza does not cause gastrointestional symptoms.

A "flu shot" will not cause you to a.) CATCH the flu, nor develop b.)GI s/s, unless a.) you already have it and it spikes your immune response, or b.) you had an allergic reaction. The virus is DEAD.

A flu shot will not protect you from coronavirus (which CAN cause both lower GI and respiratory disease, as well as SARS), or Norwalk virus, which has common outbreaks of cold weather nausea and vomiting; nor will it protect you from Hep A, food poisoning, Giradiasis, or too much partying.

If you react poorly every time you get it, tell your doc.

EDIT: listened to an article on NRP today. A public health officer said the big distinction, versus other respiratory infections, is an inability to get out of bed. Our former PHO said you know influenza is around when the babies and old people start dying from "colds".
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I work for an ambulance service that is based out of a hospital and we spend time in the ER aside from when we bring patients in, helping the nurses hanging out when not busy etc. So this year I figured I would get the flu shot seeing as I will be around more sick people. Well the flu shot I got didn't do squat. I got the stomach virus Christmas Eve eve and was sick for a couple of days and then last week got the flu and now I have a cough and laryngitis. Ugh I hate being sick and am so ready to be over all this crap. i wash and wash my hands, wear gloves and use antibacterial hand cleaner and if the pt has flu symptoms they are required to wear a mask.

Looks like Mycrofft beat me to it but the 'flu' is a misdiagnosed term. For starters there is no such thing as a 'stomach flu.'

I find getting the flu shot, washing my hands frequently, and cleaning my ambulance properly I have not been sick ::knock on wood:: I also take a daily multi vitamin that is high in immune boosting vitamins.

Keep this in mind...most illnesses are passed through the Mucous Membranes. If a patient is coughing they get a mask. I also mask up. We are required to wear safety glasses with every patient contact.

Hope you get better soon.