Been out of EMS for over a Year-Advice Needed


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Hi everyone,

I became fully certified as an EMT-B about a year ago, but couldn't enter into the field due to some unforeseen health issues.

That being said, I'm acutely aware that I've lost some of what I was trained to know. It's helped that in the meantime I've taken Anatomy & Physiology I & II, but I still feel unprepared to apply to the Reserves program.

I would appreciate advice any of you may have on how to get back into the EMS mindset.

Thanks in advance!
Still have your EMT textbook? Try to find a skills refresher course in your area. A year really isn't a long time. I was almost out the full two years before I started working as an EMT.
I have a feeling you're referring to the PVH EMT Reserve program...I had my start there several years ago. I wouldn't worry about it. Ride alongs help, along with immersion back into the world of EMS. As a Reserve, you won't be set loose on your own for some time and structure is around to support you and help you learn. Have fun!
I believe there are refresher courses.

Still have your EMT textbook? Try to find a skills refresher course in your area. A year really isn't a long time. I was almost out the full two years before I started working as an EMT.

Thank you both. I was hoping to avoid the need for a refresher course, but I'll definitely look into that option. I did keep up CE hours by helping with practical exams and becoming IV and EKG reading certified.

I do have my EMT books and have access to practice exams I took during training as well.
I have a feeling you're referring to the PVH EMT Reserve program...I had my start there several years ago. I wouldn't worry about it. Ride alongs help, along with immersion back into the world of EMS. As a Reserve, you won't be set loose on your own for some time and structure is around to support you and help you learn. Have fun!

Would you mind if I PMed you?