Becoming an EMT?


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I am new to this site, but have read alot of posts on here and seen nothing but good advice. I am thinking about becoming and EMT and maybe one day a paramedic. I am currently an Emergency Manager in the Air Force, but not getting the personnel satisfaction out of the AF that I used to. I currently have an associates in EM and am working on my BA in the same field. The local community college where I am stationed offers and EMT-B course. The local volunteer fire dept. is always in need of EMT volunteers. My plan is to finish up the 3 years left on my enlistment. During this time my goal is to have a BA in emergency and disaster management and some experience as an EMT through the volunteer work. I was hoping this all would help me get a job as an EMT when I am discharged. I am just trying to run this by some of you with experience. I have never been one to base my profession off of how much money I will make, but instead what will make me happy. The bottom line is I just want to help people.
Three years will definitely give you plenty of time to decide what you want to do. When you're finished, if you decide you still want to do it, I highly recommend it.

Depending on where you are being an EMT will have different levels of satisfaction. Running as a volunteer with Fire will probably add excitement to your life while you are putting time in as an EMT.

Once you have all the pre-req's finished I highly recommend going for you medic. All of my friends/coworkers that are paramedics love their career, and I think this is where you will find the job satisfaction you seek.

Good luck with everything and thank you for your service.