Bane in Dark Knight Rises (spoiler alert)


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For those who haven't watched the new Dark Knight Rises movie trailer featuring Bane and don't want to read the discussion, please stop here.

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I'm studying for my paramedic class now and just starting to improve IV skills. Now for those who've watched the trailer, must I say that it's difficult enough to get a line sometimes even on the ground with an ambulance bumping up and down, to get a line in the middle of a falling half-open plane of a flying person, is that even humanly possible??? Is there any medic pilots out there who could comment?
ok i take it back after a second look at the footage. The IV line had already been established beforehand, he didn't just find a vein in the mid-air. Now that is doable definitely.

here's the trailer for anyone interested if you can't resist to wait to see it on IMAX (which you should)
Well... its... A movie. SO yes, I think any medic that cant do that should probably go back through school. Looks super easy. Probably do it with my eyes closed ;) Seems perfectly reasonable to me to start a line like that. Reminds me of my last rotation actually... thats a story for another day.
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