Audio CDs

Bob Loblaw

Forum Ride Along
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I just started my EMT-B to EMT-I and i have a killer commute for clinicals and class. I was wondering if anyone had any audio CD recomendations. I've googled a few cds and a podcasts but recomendations would be awesome!

Hate to make this my first post but im wasting so much time commuting!
First & foremost, GOOD LUCK!!

I'm in the same position as you. I have to commute for class and clinicals, at the very least I look at a 45min drive one way. So what I normally do is throw my iPod on shuffle ;)

Question though.
Why aren't you going for your medic instead of EMT-I?
The EMT-I is getting phased out all over the country and their scope of practice is in the ballpark of a medic's.
The program that i found is an accelerated EMT B to Emt I which is a 6 month course. Upon completion of that one i am planning on taking a EMT I to EMT P for another 6 months. Im here in Virginia and thats the best that i could find, though there might be a program that goes B to P but i couldnt find one. That would have been much preferable!

Thanks for the luck i need it!

Go to Itunes then go to the ItunesU and check out what they have for EMT's. I just downloaded an entire lecture series on A and P and 30 or so power point presentations on EMT-B topics and it's all FREE!! The quality varies but it all seems like pretty solid stuff.