anyone know of any jobs in the middle tennessee area?


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Preferably close to McMinnville area. I have worked for the same private company for 2 years. They keep treating me like crap no matter what I do. I have came in on my days off and in the middle of the night to run calls, I have worked holidays when noone else would. After working there a year, I find out that even the new employees were making more than me. I say something, they give me a raise saying I am with the rest of them. I have been up for full time for 2 years, they keep promising, but never got it, somehow, others jumped before me. (they had logical explinations) Then other part times started getting more hours than me. A few they didnt explain, one was because they "done maintenance" on the trucks. A few months ago, I was called up and told I didnt have a job, the next day, I had it back, and more hours than i did before. (they thought they were closing our station)This month, there is a girl that has had her license for maybe 4 or 5 months, I started with the company 2 years before she started and she is getting more hours than me. I am tired of saying something to the boss, so I have decided to look elsewhere. Does anyone know where I can go around here that pays decent? I am tired of working for a sexist company. (i say this because once, the boss looked at me after a race and said "you are my only employee that I have not seen her breasts" i told him it was going to stay that way.) Thanks for looking at my post!!