Anyone applied for NAEMT scholarships?


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Just wondering if anyone here has gotten one? I'm thinking of applying once I get my transcripts to a school up here, since I'm going to have to pay out of state tuition and the money could really be useful. Any idea of how many they give out every year?
I didn't even know they had scholarships. What has been your experience?
Haven't applied yet as I'm still waiting for a decision about being accepted into the program here. They're trying to figure out what to do with me since I have all of the didactic portion of a medic program done, all the clinical portion, and some of the internship portion... I'm confusing the college up here I wanna go to :P
Haven't applied yet as I'm still waiting for a decision about being accepted into the program here. They're trying to figure out what to do with me since I have all of the didactic portion of a medic program done, all the clinical portion, and some of the internship portion... I'm confusing the college up here I wanna go to :P

You mean you've mostly finished a medic program elsewhere and are transferring?
Yes. For a variety of reasons.

Do you play paintball? I used to play every Sunday. I had a Spyder 2000 Classic and a 2000 Autococker. I miss playing!
Do you play paintball? I used to play every Sunday. I had a Spyder 2000 Classic and a 2000 Autococker. I miss playing!

I haven't in a while, but I've played on and off since I was 14 or so (about 8 years or so). My main is a Phantom VSC w/ a pre-2k PGP as a toy for other games. Now that I finally am getting settled in here in CO I'm gonna have to go find a game or three
I wasn't much of a Phantom person, but those with the Angels were scary.
I wasn't much of a Phantom person, but those with the Angels were scary.

No one with a semi or electro scares me anymore.

Once you get good at playing stock-class, the other persons marker makes no difference.
Funny, I have a Phantom with a post-2k PGP :P

Don't you also have a Nightmare that I would kill for? :P

I'm trying to think if I even have any semi's left... SL-68II, Phantom, PGP, P68SC, C3, Splatmaster.... Ah! *brushes dust off the box* A mag-fed T68G5. I forgot about that one. I do have a semi left! :P

No one with a semi or electro scares me anymore.

Once you get good at playing stock-class, the other persons marker makes no difference.

Very true. The biggest rush I've ever had playing paintball is playing SC speedball against other players with electros. It's fun!
I'm going to start a paintball thread in the lounge so we dont hijack your own thread :P