Glad to hear your first shift went well its nice to see a new basic getting offered the chance to do more than one 12 hour shift in the ER. Is your preceptor an RN or a tech?
On your next shift try and get some hands on with the little ones,hopefully since your in a level one facility they have a peds only ER. If its a combination ER that will work but the peds only ER is a whole different world and its good to experience the different culture. Your first dealings with very sick kids would go much better in the controlled environment the ER offers. I wont be the first to tell you that kids in general make some people nervous and you can imagine how they react with a very sick kid plus you often have the added bonus of very upset parents or care givers. Pay close attention to how the staff interacts with the family,you will find that a large factor in dealing with kids is how to utilize the parents or caregivers when your doing your assessments and putting together a treatment plan. Most basic instructors move quickly through pediatrics just offering what the textbook says largely because they have a very limited amount of time dealing with very sick kids themselves.