Another Newbie to pick on..


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Hey I'm chris

Currently enrolled in EMT-B school in Tallahassee ,FL. Looking to eventually move on to the FD.

But My first question is how do I edit my user name?

Any ideas?
Welcome. With a user name like that I'd say you are in the right place.:P
I don't think you can change the user name you signed up with, I am not sure though.....Anyways, welcome to the site!

Welcome to the funny farm! we are a fun bunch to know! :)
And being a newbie is not necessarily a prerequisite to being picked on; we are an Equal Opportunity forum and pick on pretty much everyone :P
Thank you Tincanfireman!!:P
Thank you every one, I'm very happy to find some place i can ask questions and talk about all the stuff i'm going to be seeing up close in the next few months.
Welcome Chris! Glad to have you here.
welcome to the suck rookie!!!

this group of jackess's, retards, dipchits and a$$holes comprises a wealth of knowledge unable to be accessed until the advent of the internet. you can ask any question and get an answer(might not always be the right one, but we try). ask away, listen(read) the answer, interpret and digest, and you will learn.
Welcome to the family of EMS, we are a little weird, but a very fun bunch!:P