Another EMT from Germany


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Hey folks, just found the forum some time ago and decided to become part of the community as you really have interesting and international issues treated in here!

My name is Fabian and I am from Germany - living in different areas in the last years, now near Augsburg. But one thing always stayed: the passion for EMS! I was studying in Staffordshire, UK for one year and had the opportunity to join in the NHS Ambulance Service and went out out as an observer several shifts with paramedics as well as with EMTs. In Germany I am active in this area since approx. 10 years, always on voluntary base and always looking for new aspects. So I was working in a suqad transporting blood bottles for emergencies or human organs and the transplantation-teams. By the time I engaged to EMT courses and gained experience on the field and just achieved the certificate to drive the ambulance as well as the doctor's car (in UK: RRV). Last year I had the great chance to stay along with a helicopter team for 2 days and totally enjoyed that time! We were flying in the very northern part of Germany, close to the border of Denmark - great experience!

So what I am looking for are people and threads where I can find out a bit more about the EMS system in the USA as my knowledge is mainly limited to good ole' Hollywood... I loved Third Watch - but hey, it's TV and I bet the producers never struggled with a new kind of stretcher ;)

In my first post I want to place right away my first question:
I am flying to NY by the end of November this year and of course I'd like to see a EMS station. Information about ladders, engines, ... are plenty in the web - but where do I find sites of EMS-stations? I found an interactive map, but no detailed websites. Maybe the one or other NY EMT is looking around and can help me. On the other hand it would be really great to get in contact with somebody from NY already now, just to have somebody whom I might meet in November. The first beer is on me then! :beerchug:

So long,
Welcome to the forum fabian. It is nice to hear from someone from other countries. You seem to of had some great experiences already. Most on here will tell you that the EMS system in the US is far behind other countries and they very well may be right.
Hi! Is the US Army base still in Augsburg? I used to live in Neu Ulm as a kid. That base is no longer there but we travelled to Augsburg weekly for church and for shopping. I can't help you with NY. I live too far from there but nice to meet you.
Most on here will tell you that the EMS system in the US is far behind other countries and they very well may be right.

I already read this opinion a couple of times in this forum - why? All the PHTLS educations like ALS & BLS are developed in the US and just years later these algorhythms are swapping over to Europe. Is it due to missing competences on scene, bad equipment, ...? What is something like the standard equipment on an ambulance in the USA?

In Germany we are running on scene with a 12-lead ECG monitor incl. a defib unit (Physiocontrol LP12, for example), suction unit, oxygen device (2 liters) with options for artificial respiration after intubation, emergency "suitcase" equipped with the main drugs like Suprarenin, ***, Ketanest S, Nitrolingual, MCP, Beloc, Heparine, Etomidate, Pantalax, ... infusions HAES or isotonic, plasters, intubation sets, ... Additionally we are having spineboards and vacuum mats for RTAs or other traumatic issues. Just to give an impression, this is the doctor's car and the ambulance outside/ inside I use to work with:


The back can be seen better here

What do you use? It cannot be worse than Thailand: there they have literally nothing. I joined in for 2-3 days on Koh Samui at "Samui Rescue" (google knows the website) and had a look at the equipment - there was nothing. I use to travel with a stethoscope, blood-pressure device and a mini pulse-oxy fingerclip. With that I was wonder of the world no. 8 for them. They only used fanny packs with singe-use gloves and some plasters... :huh:
So what they mainly do: load and go. My question for CPR was answered as follows: "Oh, we all have a CPR training." - and a defib? "Oh, if we need one, we can drive to the hospital and lend one" :wacko:

So that's a underdeveloped EMS System.

I used to live in Neu Ulm as a kid.

Oh, congratulations! So on the Bavarian side of life B)

No, there is no US Army in Augsburg any more. But in Germany the bases are getting less and less nearly everyday. Some real big ones like Ramstein are still operated, but only for functional reasons. So no money for the "normal" bases anymore.
I adored living in Bavaria. I REALLY miss the food. Germans know how to do baked goods like no one else I know. I would love to go back one day but fear I won't understand a thing. I never learned the language except "ausfarts" which my ballet teacher used to say when tapping my knees tO get me to do first position properly. Haha.

Regarding your ambulance... It looks much roomier than ours and it is known for being the largest in our county. We don't have many pre hospital doctors here at all so there is no need for doctors cars.
Oh yes - German bread is really awesome! When I stayed in UK for one year I missed it so much I bought a tiny bread-maker...

The German ambulance is offering really big space - which is given in the law: it is requried to get to the patient from both sides so minimum 2 people can stand on the right and left side of him. Additionally each county needs minimum 1 emergency doctor in range to cover life threatenning issues.

Do you know a good photo-base of US ambulances? All pics I find in the web are from the outside. I am first of all interested in the stretcher system, as all seem to be fitted on the ground anyhow?

And finally: no EMT from NY walking round here?
I can probably snag a pic of my volley unit for you...if I remember next time I'm there. We have two...a "normal" sized one and the one I affectionately refer to as "the beast". He's the only 4 wheel drive in the northern part of the county... I really want some kindereggs.
If you can reffer a NY Paramedic/ EMT to me I'll send you a dozen! ^_^

How is the stretcher lifted in the vehicle? Can't see the mechanism on the photos available on the web. You seem to use the Stryker Roll In - as we do. But how is the downer part folded together? I really need somebody in NY who is able to show me your system... :blush: