An uphill battle


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When I was 18, I got drunk. Got caught. MIP.

When I was 19, I got drunk and stole beer. Theft III.

I didn't think much of it at the time, because I was young(er) and stupid. Figured, who cares? It's just a misdemeanor. But as I got older and actually tried to enroll in various education programs and apply for jobs, I realized just how poorly society looks upon such things.

This theft charge is killing me. I can't do anything. I've been denied about a dozen education programs and jobs that I otherwise could have had, solely based on my decision to steal 4 years ago.

Granted, I'll be able to vacate the charge in a month. This means it will be a non conviction. I can say that I was never convicted. I'm an EMT student (only one school in my area will take me) and I'm not looking forward to the uphill battle I face in trying to get certified, much less hired. I mean, I understand their concerns, I may steal from the patient. But unless I'm drunk and the patient has beer, I don't think it will be a problem. An unlikely scenario.

Ugh. Just venting. I'm an idiot for doing what I did. Kids, think before you f@&* up. There are no second chances.
How old are you now? The more distance you can get from those charges the better off you'll be.
I'm 23. It's been 4 years since I was convicted. Long enough to prove that I'm no habitual criminal.
Consider hiring a lawyer to try and change some of the record? I don't know if it's even possible, but a lawyer would know options of they're available.
Consider hiring a lawyer to try and change some of the record? I don't know if it's even possible, but a lawyer would know options of they're available.

It is possible, and it's a good idea. Here's the problem: The healthcare field loves their FBI background checks. They probably use the NCIC more than licensed firearm dealers do. You can pay a lawyer handsomely to vacate, seal, and expunge away anything you want. But a simple NCIC search will, at any time, bring it all right back up. If you have a Drunk In Public from 1993 that has since been expunged, eradicated, and demolished, just type your information into the NCIC and BAM! There it is.

The law is brutal and unforgiving. There are no second chances.
I'm just being a bit dramatic. This is my dream, so I'm going to chase it.

I'll do everything in my power to clean up my record, and I sure as sh@! will never be arrested again.
Hey has anyone seen my Corona???

I swear I just set it right here, and now it's gone....


Check the advise on this thread, and be sure your misdemeanoring days are behind you: