I have been an EMT for about 6 months and a paid one for just over a month.
... I work at a private ambulance service and have done many "emergency" transports. But today we just got back from a call and here's how it went.
Got called out to a nursing home where an elderly female chocked on a Tylenol pill just over an hour prior to ems arrival. Pt had acid reflux hx and was spitting up " dark maroon blood ". My medic had ruled that it was an esophogeal varesice( spelling? ). Any rate. The obviously went into compensative shock.
As we rolled up into er and dropped the pt on the er bed she crashed. Er called code and pushed us out of the way.
Now... Don't get me wrong. I'm glad we got her to the hospital on time but if the nursing home would have waited 6 more minutes. I would have been able to run my first code 3!
- hope she does well.
Thread question. -- what was your first code 3 like? --
... I work at a private ambulance service and have done many "emergency" transports. But today we just got back from a call and here's how it went.
Got called out to a nursing home where an elderly female chocked on a Tylenol pill just over an hour prior to ems arrival. Pt had acid reflux hx and was spitting up " dark maroon blood ". My medic had ruled that it was an esophogeal varesice( spelling? ). Any rate. The obviously went into compensative shock.
As we rolled up into er and dropped the pt on the er bed she crashed. Er called code and pushed us out of the way.
Now... Don't get me wrong. I'm glad we got her to the hospital on time but if the nursing home would have waited 6 more minutes. I would have been able to run my first code 3!
- hope she does well.
Thread question. -- what was your first code 3 like? --