Advanced Burn Life Support


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So, has anybody here taken ^^^ class, and if so was it worth it? Does it go beyond fluid resuscitation formula's, or do they just rob you of $200?
I think it is a great course also especially if it is taught at a burn center by people who work with burn patients on a daily basis. However, if you take it from instructors who have only seen a handful of burn patients but like to collect instructor cards, it can be a very boring and bad class.

It is sort of like taking PALS from instructors who may only have encountered one, two or no pedi codes or have had very few pedi patients in their trucks. In other words they are instructors by the book only with very little real experience. For a class like that you also want to take at a specialty center for peds if you are interested in more than just a card. The same will apply for ABLS.
Old topic, don't care bored. BUT I am looking forward to my classes ABLS. Like our other courses (PALS, etc) the ABLS course is being taught by a very experienced (15 years or so I think) educator who has worked in burn units and will be given simulabs during the course of the class. I've been fortunate in my class to have everything taught to us by VERY experienced people including my primary instructor (even though this is his first medic class). PALS is taught by a doc who has been in peds ER for many years, we had guest cardiologists throughout cardiology, etc.
I took ABLS in Tifton, GA a year ago. It was taught by instructors from Augusta who worked for the burn center. I thought it was a very good class. The state paid for my tuition and would have paid for a hotel room if I had wanted (I just drove down the morning of the class). You might want to see if there are any grants available to help with the costs.