I do not work for any EMS I am in the Army and the person was one of my Soldiers, I found her in her barracks room. No ASL Available, No O2 tank, only my personal EMT bag
Age 22
Skin pink,warm (normal)
B/p 112/76 (virtually the same on both arms)
Pulse 61
Pupils are Equal and reactive PEARL
Breathing 18 and shallow (patent airway, Says hurts to breath )
Sp02 98%
she says the pain has been radiating from LRQ to LLQ
No vomiting or nasuea
No allergies
on meds for clamitea cant remember what one
no history of other STD had 3 abortions in 5 yrs
has not ate in 12 hours or more
suden onset of pain
brought knees up with no relief
palpate the abdomin and find no distention, no rigidity.
search the posterior find nothing on the lower back
suden onset when she was just laying in bed
she says nothing really makes it feel better or worse
Pain feels like a stabbing pain, Severe
8 out of 10 (10 being the worst pain hes ever had)
Age 22
Skin pink,warm (normal)
B/p 112/76 (virtually the same on both arms)
Pulse 61
Pupils are Equal and reactive PEARL
Breathing 18 and shallow (patent airway, Says hurts to breath )
Sp02 98%
she says the pain has been radiating from LRQ to LLQ
No vomiting or nasuea
No allergies
on meds for clamitea cant remember what one
no history of other STD had 3 abortions in 5 yrs
has not ate in 12 hours or more
suden onset of pain
brought knees up with no relief
palpate the abdomin and find no distention, no rigidity.
search the posterior find nothing on the lower back
suden onset when she was just laying in bed
she says nothing really makes it feel better or worse
Pain feels like a stabbing pain, Severe
8 out of 10 (10 being the worst pain hes ever had)