A little over a month in....


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And I am still surviving EMT-B school. I have a 94% so far and have had our first exam (93%) and numerous quizzes. I am enjoying the skills nights. My children (4) are enjoying the patient assessments that I am doing with them on my living room floor. They think its funny and it gives me loads of practice.

Everything seems to be falling in place everytime I turn around. I will be finished with the EMT-B in Sept. My BS in Criminal Justice/Homeland Security in December and hoping to start paramedic school in January.
It's nice when an EMT-B student starts a thread that isn't "OMG i'm failing and its my instructors fault" or "how i passed NREMT?". I'm also happy to hear that although you are inflicting skills practice on family members, they're enjoying it; another rarity.

My BS in Criminal Justice/Homeland Security in December

How do you plan on combining that with a medic cert?

I didn't know anyone offered a B.S. in "Homeland Security", but I can't think of a more apt degree.
LOL! I don't know how I am going to combine everything. I think that I will have enough education to do pretty much whatever comes my way. The official wording for the BS degree is Criminal Justice with a concentration in Homeland Security. We didn't have to have a minor for our degree. It should have been Homeland Security with a concentration in CJ as I did a whole lot more classes in terrorism than I did in criminal law. It was a great program though. I have learned a great deal and it opened my eyes to alot of the world's problems!
Out of curiosity what school offers this? Never heard of it in my recent degree research.